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The 记录 Division of the Sheriff's Office is required to follow strict federal guidelines when conducting the mandated background checks for all concealed handgun permits. 申请流程, which includes scheduling an appointment can take multiple weeks as staff members thoroughly examine each application.

在线申请 申请许可证,网址为 Permitium.com


All applicants are required to schedule an appointment for new concealed handgun permits or renewals. 所有所需费用在您预约时到期.

符合NCGS 14-415.13(a)隐藏手枪许可证必须从您居住的县的治安官处获得.

如果你正在更新隐藏手枪许可证, 你必须在有效日前申请, 但不得超过有效期前90天.

如果你的许可证已经过期, 但距离许可证过期还不到60天, 您将被要求以新申请人的身份申请, 是指纹, 然后付90美元.00美元的费用,但你不需要提交新的培训证书.

如果许可证已过期超过60天, 你必须重新参加隐蔽手枪训练课程, 以新申请人身份申请, 并随申请一并提交新的培训证书.



 周二 & 星期四早上9点开始.m. -到下午三点半.m.


周一到周五早上9点.m. 到下午3:30.m.

 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的记录部 页面



立即生效, 北卡罗莱纳州的治安官将不再颁发手枪购买许可证. The 博彩平台大全警长’s Office has stopped processing pistol purchase permit applications including all pending applications.

All state laws regarding the issuance of pistol purchase permits by sheriffs in North Carolina were repealed on Wednesday morning March 29, 2023, following a vote by the General Assembly to override Governor Roy Cooper’s veto of Senate Bill 41, 保障第二修正案的自由和保护.

This means any person who wants to purchase or transfer a handgun in North Carolina is no longer required to apply to the Sheriff for a pistol purchase permit.  他们将, 然而, still undergo the background check required under current law and either be sold the handgun or denied sale if the background check indicates the person is disqualified from possessing a firearm.

Criminal penalties still apply for anyone who knowingly transfers a handgun to a person who may not lawfully possess the firearm (such as a convicted felon).  因此, 重要的是要记住,任何希望获得或转让任何枪支的人, 包括一把手枪, 还必须遵守联邦和州的法律.

重要的是要了解北卡罗来纳州的隐藏手枪法  改变了.  

Any person residing in Durham County wishing to carry a concealed handgun in North Carolina must still apply for and be issued a concealed handgun permit by the Sheriff.



  • 如何申请隐藏手枪许可证?
  • 一个新的隐蔽手枪许可证需要多少钱?
  • 续办隐蔽手枪许可证需要多少钱?
  • 隐藏式手枪许可证副本的费用是多少?
  • 为什么要花这么多钱才能获得隐藏手枪许可证?
  • 我需要什么文件来申请隐藏手枪许可证?
  • 我的隐蔽手枪许可证通常需要多长时间才能签发?
  • 为什么要花这么长时间才能发放隐蔽手枪许可证?
  • 隐蔽手枪许可证的有效期是多长?
  • 我需要是北卡罗来纳州的居民才能获得隐藏手枪许可证吗?
  • 军事人员是否免除居住要求?
  • I have a valid concealed handgun permit from another county in North Carolina and have moved to Durham County. 我需要做什么?
  • I have a valid concealed handgun permit issued in another state and have moved to Durham County. 我需要做什么?
  • 博彩平台大全治安官办公室有批准的枪支安全课程列表吗?
  • 我可以在哪里携带隐藏武器?
  • 我最近搬了家,但仍然住在博彩平台大全. 我需要做什么?
  • 我的隐藏手枪许可证丢失、被盗或被毁. 我需要做什么?
  • 当我的隐蔽手枪许可证准备好领取时,警长办公室会通知我吗?
  • 我现在合法的名字和我藏枪许可证上的名字不一样了. 我需要做什么?
  • 我的博彩平台大全隐蔽手枪许可证在北卡罗来纳其他县有效吗?
  • 我在博彩平台大全的隐蔽手枪许可证在其他州有效吗?